open day welcome bnr 225x

University Open Day

open day welcome bnr 225xTop 5 Reasons to go

1. Location

Check out the physical location, the people in the location, both the ones who live outside the university, and the students.

2. Empirical Data Collection & Course Research

Talk to admissions tutors, professors and post-graduate students. Ask specific questions not just to find out answers but also to make you memorable to the people who can influence your admission.

3. Lifestyle

Get the low-down from living, breathing students face-to-face.

4. Career Advising and Job Prospects

Get live, real-time information from the people who will be advising you and from the people who are currently interested in employment.

5. Vibe

Three to four years of your life warrants at least a visit. A branded website masks good and bad. Go to an Open Day and bring along your intuition. It can be pretty cost-effective.

For a calendar of university Open Days see here.

Haru Yamada

25 August 2014

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