Ofqual analysing 13 exam systems

Ofqual analysing 13 exam systems

Qualifications from around the world will inform tougher new GCSEs

Qualifications from countries as diverse as Scotland, South Korea, Finland and Hungary will help to set the standard for tougher GCSEs to be introduced in England from 2015, TES can reveal.

Education secretary Michael Gove has long been an advocate of the growing use of international comparisons to help shape domestic education policies. Last month he asked the qualifications watchdog, Ofqual, to “increase the demand of GCSEs to reflect that of high-performing jurisdictions”. As the reforms begin, Ofqual is analysing 13 exam systems in 12 countries, which also include: Alberta and Ontario in Canada; China; Hong Kong; Japan; Taiwan; Massachusetts in the US; New Zealand; and the Netherlands. Source: William, Stewart, Times Education Supplement Magazine, 8 March, 2013




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