-In the Lycéen category, Paul Floquet, for his article in French, French Londoners, qui êtes-vous? to be published in L’Echo’s April-May issue.
-In the Collègien category, Romy Settbon Moore, for her article in English, London Calling, to be published in L’Echo’s June-September issue.
In an interview with French TV London, Paul says he has always like to write and thought L’Echo’s call to write about French Londoners was a great opportunity to describe the Londoners he saw in the tube every day.
Romy loves reading and wrote a lot of poetry and stories since Primary school. Now she mostly writes slam poetry and lyrics but thought it would be fun to try her hand at journalism. “I’m happy every time I can do creative writing whether it is in French or English,” says the young bilingual journalist.
The winners of the bilingual writing competition were blind-chosen by a blind jury: Jon Henley, senior Guardian feature writer, Marie-Hélène Martin, London correspondent to Nouvel Observateur, Sonia Dellesalle-Stolper, UK correspondent to Libération, and Haru Yamada, Education Editor of L’Echo.
The Awards Ceremony was held in the CDI at the Lycée Français Charles de Gaulle, and was attended by members of the jury as well as Madame Gaëlle Barfety, proviseure adjointe and Mme Pariente of the CDI.
The ceremony was filmed by French TV London [link to: http://londonfrenchtv.com/deux-graines-de-journalistes/] and will be published shortly on L’Echo [link to: http://lecho.org.uk/] so watch the space!
Congratulations to Romy and Paul.
Vive la presse et la liberté d’expression!
Haru Yamada, for Avenue des écoles
March 2015