200px.CDG 2013

FAQ British Section at the Lycée Français Charles de Gaulle

200px.CDG 2013Have you always wanted to know about the British Section at the LFCDG? Here might be some facts to help you...


1. What is the British Section?


• Founded in 1952


• Part of the Lycée Français Charles de Gaulle


• Independent secondary school inspected by Ofsted


• Offers GCSE & GCE Advanced-Level (A-Level) Qualifications


• Ranked top school in the Borough of Kensington and Chelsea


• 211 students: 3e (64), 2nde (60), 1ère (52), terminale (35)


2. Who can apply to the British Section?


• French-English bilinguals


• Primary intake from 4ème for GCSE 3ème


• A small intake from 2nde for A-level entry in 1ère


• Most of the students are from the Lycée Français Charles de Gaulle


• There is a small external intake


3. How do you apply to the British Section and what are the admissions procedures?


• Register interest in the British Section of the LFCDG on the Fiche de Voeux available in the summer term of 4ème


• Reregister for the British Section on the website if you are already a student in the LFCDG


• Admission is based on an oral (interview sample) and written test of English standard, and recommendations from the 4ème Conseil de Classe


4. What is the acceptance rate at the British Section?


• There are 62 places


• The 2014 acceptance rate is 66%


5. What does the British Section cost?


• The 2014 tuition is £3,155.00 per term


6. What are the GCSEs and A-Levels and how do they work in the British Section at LFCDG?


• GCSE stands for General Certificate of Secondary Education


• The GCSE in the British Section of LFCDG is a 2-year programme: 3ème to 2nde


• You take (I)GCSE (International)GCSE exams at the end of 2nde

 Note: (I)GCSE exams are written by exam boards who also award the (I)GCSE qualifications: e.g. AQA, Edexel, OCR, CIE


• In 3ème, all 10 (I)GCSE subjects are mandatory


• In 2nde, you take a minimum of 9 (I) GCSE subjects :
 French, English language, English literature, and Maths are mandatory
 Many students take 11 subjects
 Art and Latin are optional


• GCE A-Levels stand for General Certificate of Education Advanced Level


• A-Levels in the British Section of LFCDG are a 2-year programme: 1ère & Terminale


• You take AS-level (Advanced Subsidiary Level) exams at the end of 1ère :
 You take a minimum of 5 AS subjects
 French is mandatory


• You take A2-level exams at the end of Terminale :
 You take a minimum of 4 A-level subjects
 French is mandatory
 Many students take 5 A-levels, including subjects such as Further Mathematics, Economics, Government, and English Literature


7. How are you graded in the British Section?


• Students receive the same bulletin as the French Section in the LFCDG based on a 20-point system and comments from the teacher by subject and the tutor/professor principal


• Students also receive marks for their (I)GCSE (International)GCSE and GCE A-level exams based on letter grades, A, B, C


8. Where do the students go on to study for higher education?


A 2013 Study by the Anciens du Lycée Français de Londres in conjunction with LFCDG showed that:


• 83% of students go onto UK universities including Oxbridge


• 5% of students go onto US universities including Ivy League


• 5% of students go onto Canadian universities including bilingual McGill


• 7% take a gap year


Haru Yamada Mathieu, 09 juin 2014




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